SSR New Release Info and Results Thread...

Andy, What error message do you get when you load the .smt file into the smarty usb.exe. You press the send button and what error message do you get?

The error I keep getting is the FTD2XX.DLL not found.

I have followed the instructions on the website for fixing it and reopened the cat file and reloaded the drivers and yet I still get the error message.I have even gone as far to delete EVERYTHING and start over 3 times today and still can not get it updated.

I really do not want to even try using the Vista machine as its a real PIA to do anything with and if I have to buy a new Windows 7 machine I will just sell the SSR and continue to use the custom TNT/R that was wrote for the truck.I 'had" hope that the SSR would make this a more street favorable truck to drive with less low end smoke but I have about had enough with Smarty problems.The S06 unit I have is a PIA to update settings and change the truck and each time its used the truck goes into limp mode.That is unless you pull EVERY relay and fuse in the PDC and also put a trickle charger on the batteries to maintain a constant power source for the long lengthy update changes.(a simple power level change of the S06 the other day took me 2 hours)

Everyone raves about the products and how well they run.That I will agree on but the hassles to get them to run is extremely frustrating to me.I have now missed 3 dyno appointments and shows,1 of which I was towed home on a rollback just recently from.I was hoping the SSR would make life easier but,its as bad or worse than my S06 issues,at least it runs when and if you get it loaded.

I even went as far to have new batteries installed in the truck as a close friend of mine who I chat with on a regular basis who knows alot about these trucks told me what I am dealing with in the truck is a bad battery.Swapped them out for new ones and still the same old stuff.
large variance between low and high numbers is hte possible cause.

I'm thinking that to. Just surprised that it would switch over to hl at such a moderate throttle input and low rpm. Does it ever pull hard at wot now, at least for what I've got done.
I'm thinking that to. Just surprised that it would switch over to hl at such a moderate throttle input and low rpm. Does it ever pull hard at wot now, at least for what I've got done.

I've put way to many hours into 1.4... Here's were I'm at.

28/21/14 on the low end. Smoke is minimal, transition to high is smooth. Injectors are on the big side at 110% over. the low low duration number seems to work well. Spool is quick, just a minimal haze.

34/21/30 on the high end... Sounds good WOT, doesn't hang.

high rail ramp rate and big injectors doesn't seem to wanna work out all to well.
As a foreword to help the "general public" understand what is being said in the above quote.

For those who don't know exactly who I am, let me start with saying I am the owner of MADS. I am the brain, the heart and the soul behind the downloaders known as Smarty.

I spend 90% of my time working on the performance software's. Be that on the dyno, on the road or simply tinkering with what could work or what will not.

What does it take to write a performance software?
Take the truck onto the dyno, modify a part of the software, see / IF / what / when / that modification changes something (or maybe it does not change anything at all) . Time after time, test after test, then blend all this into a file that actually performs This is the core business that I'm doing.

To figure out all the different parameters such as ( but not limited to ) injection timing; injection duration; rail pressure; boost pressure... the list is long... then the various limiting factors come into the game. Well, without annoying you too much with details, that research work takes years. As an example, to develop the 6.7L software's I've done two thousand dyno runs and something like 30.000 miles testing and refining on the road.
That was to develop the 6.7L software from scratch.

For the SSR, although I already had a rather good knowledge about the 5.9L software it has taken me still over one thousand six hundred dyno runs to get to the first software release to the public. The SSR has been beta tested for over one year. I have given away something like a hundred free beta units. All this to get the broadest user feedback possible in order to be able to adapt to the broadest possible combination of engine modifications.

How much money do I spend in the research and development?
I would really prefer to not think about it since it makes me mad at myself every time we put the costs onto the paper.

The "dyno" with all it's related costs like fuel, tires, broken engine parts, turbo's and what not came up for the year 2010 as USD 310.000,00. Now you can start to add all the other costs that it takes to run a company and imagine what the number becomes by the end of the year.

Do I make money out of the R&D? You bet! Am I right to pretend to make a living out of my company for me, my family and my employee's families ?
You can bet on that one too!

Now what the quote with which I have started this MSG is saying is basically this: I take my EFI live, copy the ECM, compare that software to a stock one and find out the EASY way what's been modified. The scope of EFI is then to transfer this "knowledge" to the next truck. Right?

Let me ask you all this: If you were in my shoes, would YOU share the knowledge you've worked hard for? Would you agree to have someone simply "copy" your knowledge?

That's what makes me mad about EFI Live. In fact, if you look at the statement(s) in their advertising it's all about: lookie here how bad the others look and how smooth we are. Sorry, how did they get the stuff from the "others"? Their thread in this forum, MSG # 1 of the thread starter, the exact same thing.... One question comes to my mind, where are the ethics they like to brag so much about?

Maybe it's just a sign of the times and I'm old...
My mom told me when I was a little guy that when you take something without the permission of the owner it's stealing. It's as simple as that.
I learned this lesson the hard way when a farmer caught me on his cherry tree and called mom... Looks like some folks never have learned such a lesson.

Share my knowledge? Cut YOU off some time??? C'mon!

OK folks, I have to quit this now because I'm SO upset that in another little while I'll say things that would have to be censored.

Made my point?

Thanks for reading.


so I read all that and didnt see where timing 25 = x or 30 = y

I cant believe how much all of you guys kiss this guys butt!

here is the skinny, you dont have to worry about me "reverse engineering your product" i dont want your maps, all I asked for was an equivelant value

I support a family too and ill be damned if i am going to sell a product to any of my customers without being aware of what it is going to do to their engine. you get to sit behind a computer and get a nasty e-mail once in a while, while some other sucker clicks "buy now", my customers come knocking on my door.

Lest we not forget that this was an attempt to further my knowledge on your product that I would then sell to my customers which supports all of our families.

I havent been on in a while and see that others are continuing to ask for the same info I did so either share simply the degrees of timing advance or tell us why you wont because 9 or 12 or 18 D,BTDC should be no secret

I dont care HOW your doing it, but if its going to run on my truck I better know WHAT its doing.
I did this a while back, but it should still apply.....sounds like what you're running into.

It's certainly not the easiest one to install, but you only have to do it once.

Smarty for Dummies

Now, on Vista or Windows 7, you don't have to do any of that, just plug it in and it's recognized.

The error I keep getting is the FTD2XX.DLL not found.

I have followed the instructions on the website for fixing it and reopened the cat file and reloaded the drivers and yet I still get the error message.I have even gone as far to delete EVERYTHING and start over 3 times today and still can not get it updated.
The error I keep getting is the FTD2XX.DLL not found.

I have followed the instructions on the website for fixing it and reopened the cat file and reloaded the drivers and yet I still get the error message.I have even gone as far to delete EVERYTHING and start over 3 times today and still can not get it updated.

I really do not want to even try using the Vista machine as its a real PIA to do anything with and if I have to buy a new Windows 7 machine I will just sell the SSR and continue to use the custom TNT/R that was wrote for the truck.I 'had" hope that the SSR would make this a more street favorable truck to drive with less low end smoke but I have about had enough with Smarty problems.The S06 unit I have is a PIA to update settings and change the truck and each time its used the truck goes into limp mode.That is unless you pull EVERY relay and fuse in the PDC and also put a trickle charger on the batteries to maintain a constant power source for the long lengthy update changes.(a simple power level change of the S06 the other day took me 2 hours)

Everyone raves about the products and how well they run.That I will agree on but the hassles to get them to run is extremely frustrating to me.I have now missed 3 dyno appointments and shows,1 of which I was towed home on a rollback just recently from.I was hoping the SSR would make life easier but,its as bad or worse than my S06 issues,at least it runs when and if you get it loaded.

I even went as far to have new batteries installed in the truck as a close friend of mine who I chat with on a regular basis who knows alot about these trucks told me what I am dealing with in the truck is a bad battery.Swapped them out for new ones and still the same old stuff.

Sorry to bust your bubble...but from my understanding, once you load the SSR to your truck...the tntR will NOT beable to be used, it's lost forever...

Sorry to hear about your frustrations....I know what your going thru on these damn computers. I almost thru my laptop when I wanted to load up the R tune...I also wish things could be done on a beginners type level...make things simple...not all ppl are computer pros.
Sorry to bust your bubble...but from my understanding, once you load the SSR to your truck...the tntR will NOT beable to be used, it's lost forever...

Sorry to hear about your frustrations....I know what your going thru on these damn computers. I almost thru my laptop when I wanted to load up the R tune...I also wish things could be done on a beginners type level...make things simple...not all ppl are computer pros.

Hey I wanted my TNT R back on one of my other trucks have the ssr read you can't go back tried to load and got an error right when I Pluged it in. I returned the ssr to stock and loaded a ppe hot+2 in for the old software than returned to stock than reloaded my tntr and wala she works. Just a tip if anyone has an old programmer for their truck. May not work for everyone but worked for me.

I have not got the SSR off my desk yet,let alone even think about loading it to the truck.I do understand that about the TNT/R and really don't care if I loose it as it has been nothing short of a PIA since I bought the truck.Computers need top meet the business end of my 6.5/284 at about 1000 clicks and maybe I will feel better.

That was exactly how I did the install of drivers and it doesn't recognize the SSR when you try and send the program through the USB.I even went as far to doing it twice(even had Windows tell me the drivers were already installed)so any ideas?.
Hammer, any way you can use some elses computer to update the ssr? Might be easier.
That was exactly how I did the install of drivers and it doesn't recognize the SSR when you try and send the program through the USB.I even went as far to doing it twice(even had Windows tell me the drivers were already installed)so any ideas?.

When I went from the S-06 to the SSR, the only thing I needed to update was the USB loader, otherwise it recognized the SSR right way.

The older USB loader that I had wouldn't load to SSR, so all I had to update was that.

If you have the drivers loaded from the S-06 you should be okay, the only thing that does is install the drivers for the USB to serial connection.
I have not got the SSR off my desk yet,let alone even think about loading it to the truck.I do understand that about the TNT/R and really don't care if I loose it as it has been nothing short of a PIA since I bought the truck.Computers need top meet the business end of my 6.5/284 at about 1000 clicks and maybe I will feel better.

*With your smarty plugged into the computer*

Hammer give this a try. Control panel>system>hardware>device manager> click on the plus (+) Universal Serial bus controllers.

The last item on the list should be a "serial convertor" you can check the driver at this point. Either update the driver or uninstall the device and start over.

I hope this solves your problem.

The driver is your issue .
Tell you what solved my problem.....
A good friend who works on these things all day long stopped by today after a call to him last night.
15 minutes of his deep inside tweaking(not sure what the heck he did,it was way above my head and was told NOT to try that myself)he had the SSR done in the blink of an eye.Tried to explain to me in his language what was wrong and that what I did was correct but something was creating a conflict deep in the Windows part that needed addressed.At any rate he went in and straightened out both my laptops and my desktop so I could use any of them.

As for the downloading to the truck issues....
Talked with both Snedge and Lee Reiff and we all agree that we need to add a second OBDII port to the truck and wire it direct to the ECM and eliminate and outside noise that happens within the truck.That will happen ASAP and hopefully this will end the issues when you try and update the truck with the Smarty or SSR.

THANK YOU ALL For the help!...It is greatly appreciated.........Andy

It would not be the first time I have had a computer tower on the business end of the 16lb bench gun,trust me on that one!...LOL
rail pressure ramp is a funny thing...

Keep in mind folks that injector "rattle" or "noise" could be generated by too much rail pressure for a given speed/load at cruise. If timing and duration changes do not correct it, change the rail.

The problem I have with this ramp rate is I wish to keep the rail steady on light to moderate (hell, any) acceleration. When I do that it picks up faster and smoother but it always over does it shortly after you get going. not enough rail ramp, smoke, to much, smoke.

With the 1.4 I've cut the low end duration drastically, from 24 to 14-16 (just tried out 16 again this morning). low end timing is back up 28-30 (was about 26 with 1.3). High end Durations are 28-30 and high end timing is at 36. I'm folling around with in the 3 number ranges. The rail, 10 and 10 for both high and low. I didn't have any of that "push" when it over shoots the pressure, I still have a "dip".

Meh, more toying around..

Over all this morning with 28/10/16 and 36/10/30 it was smooth and clean with exception for 3/4 throttle pull that was smooth and quick but smokey. I've bumped the duration down a notch on that. Not sure if I hit my boost numbers and EGT's we're in the 1200's.
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