SSR New Release Info and Results Thread...

it seriously is the same pain in the ass to drive as far as smoke. the only plus on the street is you can make it less touchy. if you need to react just a little, it's a smoke show.

I've had the LL duration down as low as 8, still smokey with LLT from
15 to 32. there no way to not flog the smoke IMHO.

does Marco has a suggestion on how to keep <10psi smoke down with 100 over sticks?
You guys should lower LLT and LLD and Increase LRP for bigger sticks to get better atomization with the bigger sticks to get a cleaner burn!

^^ " And this one" ^^

Dude!! It's Marcos playground and Ball in here...

You don't wanna play?

Don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya!!

Give it a rest!
I agree, the LL settings affect how well the HL settings. For example, Boost, if you can create boost early on, you'll maintain it later on.

TQ, no one will ever know, until EFI LIVE is more out in full force ;-)

and this one...

(jason, didnt you get on my case for talk of reverse engineering with efi live)
Interesting how this question gets ignored isnt it?

and this one...

How much truth is in that above comment? some? none? Maybe some sort of explanation as to the relative relation to the low and levels?

and this one...

and this one...

and this one...

You've made your point and I'm getting sick of watching you beat a dead horse. STFU and move on....
srt8-6, I did? thought Marco did?

mikmaze, may have a point that a bigger number doesn't mean over all more

dockboy, 2% on a 1-50 scale? hehehehe. no? lol

everyone with crappy lowend, put Marcos close to tnt 7 settings on. even the rail. the rail was broke for me until 1.4. just tied it.... interesting results. yeah you can fog for bugs, but it's a bit quicker to spool. my tire spinning power appears to be back.
Well, hopefully Marco will hop on here an give us some insight on 3 things.

1 - What is the actual trigger point between LL and HL?
- If it is based on calculated load, is it something that we can get as an end user function in a future release? Being able to modify that parameter would be HUGE for trucks that see multiple duties or even single duties. Imagine the guy that daily drives and doesn't want HL until say 75% load. Or the guy on the track that wants LL on the line and HL as soon as he smashes it....or even being able to use it as a "trans brake" when it sees the brake applied so you can limit engine power to say 20 psi on the brake.

2 - What is changing the TQM settings actually doing?
- Is it simply increase the ramp rate on the throttle or is it other factors?

3 - What are the actual values of the numbers in the parameters?
- This will help those of us tuning our own or others trucks have and understanding of what will be a good start point for different setups?

If you need it, I've got all the dyno time in the world to spend messing with it.

and these...
O.K. I got that out of my system...

Yeah, Jason youre right, it was many others but you were not one, sorry.

So, because everyone (mostly) attacked me for calling out Marco I thought I would bring attention to the fact that I am not the only one desiring this information.

Sorry for not sugar coating the way I said it.


does anyone else find it interesting that when someone post something like:

"hey i just got a new 99 qclb and I have a no start issue, can anyone help"

the most common responses are like:

"why did you buy a red truck?"

we are all a bunch of ADD S.O.B.'s aint we!

as far as the team< I'm here! rock on with the SSR for this early 04 owner (that is until something (COUGH efi) better (COUGH live) comes out

HEY MARCO! stand up for yourself!... you pay royalties to Chrysler or what? probably as much as I am gonna pay to you when I reverse engineer your product:lolly:<---- whatever, so timing 25 = what then?
You feel better now? You done trashing a thread that has some good info for the people using the SSR ?
Think long and hard before you answer....cause the wrong answer leads to door # get the phuck outta my house.
Yup, its out of my system, but just so Im clear you all can dish it but not take it? fair enough

this is a useful thread, so allow me to contribute:

found it interesting that turning down the timing from near 30 on the high side down to 15 and keeping 15 on the low side I did not lose any power, the band even looks similar, I just got off my :soap: so if there is interest I will post my Dyno sheets.
So, i have been sitting on the side lines here reading and learning. i haven't said anything as I just was trying to pick up a few things here and there. But i have been drinking beer and working on a Ford so what the hell.:hehe:

i just wanted to say, i don't think it is all that easy to say that one number represents a certain degree of timingor duration in this many milliseconds. I believe one adjustment can effect the others. meanig for instance when you adjust rail pressure it affects duration. i believe timing is affected by rail pressure as well. Also this is not a 12 valve where you set the timing and it stay there. I know if my truck is below 170F it smokes worse then when at operating temps. I know the duration, timing and probably other things change due to operating temps. probably even the point where the ECM switches between HL and LL settings. That means that answer the questions that keep being asked are almost impossible, it depends on so many things that there is no answer other than it is different for all trucks.

At least that is my thought.

I am not even sure I am using the HL setting in my truck as I can't get out of traffic:bang
Yes...all the nay sayers should piss off. If you can't figure out why Bob and Marco won't answer that question you are too stupid to have SSR.

Duuuuhhhh....what do you thing all of the competition would do after somebody post x amount of timing, y amount of pressure and z amount of duration just lakd claim to the best quarter mile, sled pull or dyno? COPY!

I am seriously fed up with the whining idiots...if you can't figure out how to use it AS IS...go get something else and quit messing up a good thread between the people that will be kicking you ass down the track or on the dyno.

Go away.
So, i have been sitting on the side lines here reading and learning. i haven't said anything as I just was trying to pick up a few things here and there. But i have been drinking beer and working on a Ford so what the hell.:hehe:

i just wanted to say, i don't think it is all that easy to say that one number represents a certain degree of timingor duration in this many milliseconds. I believe one adjustment can effect the others. meanig for instance when you adjust rail pressure it affects duration. i believe timing is affected by rail pressure as well. Also this is not a 12 valve where you set the timing and it stay there. I know if my truck is below 170F it smokes worse then when at operating temps. I know the duration, timing and probably other things change due to operating temps. probably even the point where the ECM switches between HL and LL settings. That means that answer the questions that keep being asked are almost impossible, it depends on so many things that there is no answer other than it is different for all trucks.

At least that is my thought.

I am not even sure I am using the HL setting in my truck as I can't get out of traffic:bang

This makes sense to me. Someone tell me if we both are wrong.
dockboy, 2% on a 1-50 scale? hehehehe. no? lol

Yes it is.

Just for aurgument sake, say a setting of 15 is equal to approx. 10 degrees of timing...(I'm not saying that is what it is. It is just an example)

Then 16 would equal ~ 10.2 degrees...

30 would equal ~ 13.5 degrees...

And so on...

That is straight from Marco's mouth :poke:
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