Oh Lord... Not that again...

It is a software thing. i've managed to tune out 95% of the rattles with 1.7 for 95% of situations. But! the grid light and limp mode is just as bad!!!

1.5 is back on.... The rattles are back. cruising surge is back. low end is smokey.... but wot works and no grid limp mode.
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It is a software thing. i've managed to tune out 95% of the rattles with 1.7 for 95% of situations. But! the grid light and limp mode is just as bad!!!

1.5 is back on.... The rattles are back. cruising surge is back. low end is smokey.... but wot works and no grid limp mode.

It's great you can go back without issue, and solves the grid heater problem.
ya know, i forgot. 1.5 has a simular issue, but it is directly related to the rail numbers. rails on 25 and it gets into limp mode, with out the dings and grid light.
I dont know about the rattle, grid light, or the limp mode never had a problem with that.

The problem that I am having with the newest ssr software is long crank to start, this is not a big issue and could care less about it.

The big problem is the fact that it will not REV past 4000 RPM not matter what the settings are. This is a huge problem for guys using smarty for sled pulling.

Im going back to the previous 1.7 ssr software. You had to play with it to get it past 4000 but it would at least.

Honestly I am getting sick and tired of messing with this crap software.

And while Im on my rant

Why are there so many UDC beta testers out there that are not even using the software. This crap has been going on since the first release of the SSR software.

If you are going to give the crap out to people to test they should at least have a commitment to use the software..

The I dont have time excuses are BS. Pass the software on to someone who is willing to test it out.

Thanks for your time......

We have a Dyno here at our shop for the weekend.

Alot of EFI trucks will run.

A local shop with the UDC software wanted to tune my truck to see how it stacked up against EFI. After 2 weeks (this thursday 2 days before the dyno) they called and said they didnt have the time to mess with UDC right now.

Not trying to throw the shop under the bus, but what is the point in them having the sofware if they dont have the time to use it??????????
But. but. but.

miss matched parts :)

I agree. software is a pain in the butt.
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And while Im on my rant

Why are there so many UDC beta testers out there that are not even using the software. This crap has been going on since the first release of the SSR software.

If you are going to give the crap out to people to test they should at least have a commitment to use the software..

The I dont have time excuses are BS. Pass the software on to someone who is willing to test it out.

Thanks for your time......

I agree fully, despite having open dyno time (we spent about 6 hrs on the SSR, and data logged 12 channels) in one of the top trucks in the super street class, that put down more power uncorrected then any of the diesel power challenge trucks. We couldn't even get a reply to our inquiry of beta testing the UDC.

Now that the racing season is upon us, we will not be trying UDC, as we don't have time to iron things out on the dyno at this point in the season.

While I am greatful that they sent us a manual transmission tune, to flash our ecm (we went to a manual valvebody). Why can't they have the base recovery files like that hosted on CompD like the efi live files? That way they are accessible to anyone at anytime.

The smarty product has never been the issue, it has always been the lack of support from Italy. Bob can only do so much with what he is given, and even he didn't have the recovery files on hand, they had to come from Italy. My $.02

Just for the race truck we currently own 2 S06's (one with old vin locked TNTR [junk now that we re-flashed to manual transmission] one with new TNTR, and an SSR.
Well the dyno confirmed a few things for me.

running 1.7A not the newest SSR software.

With RPM limit at 4800 the truck will free rev to 4400 RPM compaired to 4000 with the newest update.

Truck will only fuel to 3850rpm. Odd thing is rail psi will stay 26,000 as long as you stay in the throttle even though HP drops off and smoke has cleared.

My single pump maintains 26,000 no matter how high the HLR is set, even with this set of 75lpm injectors.

Going from HLT 42 to 45 makes some awful noises.

Peak HP is made at 3850rpm... It would keep climbing if someone would come out with software that would continue to fuel past that point.
You have miss matched parts

Thank You Jason.....
I guess you are correct on the mismatched parts as the 879 on the S06 and then in the recent SSR testing the 984 shows the mismatched parts.Oh yeah,your right,the rattle means the bad parts,LOL.all I can say is I am glad I have two ECM's and the S06 is still the previous version and doesn't have any issues,at least I can enjoy some local shows.

I have tried to tune the rattle out and even had a long chat with Mike about his rattle issues.I have spent hours on the jet working to find the best settings and have not come up with one I like yet.Once you drive past the rattle it runs well and quiet.It didn't even matter which set of injectors,small or large as they both rattle.If you lift on the street and have to throttle up to accelerate the rattle sounds like the valves are coming out along with the the bottom end.

I was not happy about the limp mode deal and have been reading its not only limited to the SSR as the newest S06 updates people are also complaining about it.I am glad I didn't update that as at least I have a way to keep the truck going without an issue.I was not happy when at a recent show the truck had to be pushed away after the limp mode/grid heater crap hit on a spray run.

The two things that upset me the most about this software is as already stated,the lack of beta testers doing the work needed to fix these issues and the secrecy that surrounds the MADS stuff when we need easy answers or direction we get NONE.Now they,MADS wants us to spend another couple hundred on software that may help us or may not and how much info is going to be released that will make the transition to that easy.

How long has the SSR been out and many simple questions yet remain to be unanswered.I will say it again,the software we run has to be based off more than a couple of trucks and more than just Marco's and Bob's.

There are times I feel like we are going to a gunfight with a knife when it comes to getting any info to help us.
Blah blah blah...

I will give you a hint....stop crapping on the hand that feeds you.
Hammer, I'm giving you chit, I hope you know that right?

1.7 smoothed the rattles out when I went nutz with the low level duration at 36, LLT 28-30... So I tired that with 1.5, about LLD of 26 and LLT of 20 seemed to work well. In fact, I have 59PSI of boot and 59PSI of drive with the 1.5 settings hitting it hard in OD at 70mph. Pulls well, the smoke wasn't bad for 80 degree temps, rather clean in fact.

I'll try with my older 1.5 settings again for good measure tomorrow, LLD of 10-12 and LLT of 24-28, i bet it rattles till there's some boost.

I can't help but wonder, it's the hotter ambient temps why the higher numbers result in lack of rattling. In fact, I don't recall one rattle today messing around on the street. Leave everything the same till winter time it "should" rattle like crazy. We shall see....

YES, some of mentioned why cold temps rattle more then warmer temps..... But the ECU should account for this! At what temp does one "tune" so it's the same year round?
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Question? I have updated to the last UDC compatable software and I don't like it either. Can I switch back to the 1.7 with the normal update process? Or will I not be able to just switch back?

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Jason...I explained to you why your truck rattles more when its cold...and as your experiencing now...less when warm. Its real...and should be expected and the ability for the ECM to correct that went right out the door wheninjectors, turbos, and tuning came in.

EFI live users are not laughing at us...they are still aiming at the title. No doubt they have an advantage creating "nice" tunes...for now.

Anyways...I. wonder when anyone of the complainers will realize you are wasting your time.