All I can do is pass along the information that is given to me. If MADS decides to change the plan all that I can do is wait for more information to be given to me.

I hope this makes sense.
MADS needs to realize the massive amount of customers they are losing due to poor communication and general non sharing of information. Have you noticed a drop in sales? Unfortunately if you haven't already I think you will in the next year. Its Poor business. But I'm just on the outside looking in...
It's very annoying. When there is a real choice for 04.5 I'll be out, on principle alone. It's frustrating. You don't go about making new products and not fixing HUGE bugs like the grid light.
Same kind of stories my kids used to feed me, always telling me what I wanted to hear, not actually what was happening.. Lol..

I've been asking myself, why should I spend any money on UDC when EFI is coming soon? It's getting harder to be a loyal Smarty supporter... And their not making it any easier either.. The latest May 16th tune smokes more down low and I'm tiring of waiting on UDC to be able to clear it up.. Oh well!

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Well maybe if the messenger would respond with a simple yes no or maybe it's not that hard to do customer service But instead I sent a message through facebook about the 6000 rpm tune and nothing it's like a big f o
If there is problems with the software or something else I understand, .. just keep us informed

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While I am a Smarty owner and supporter, it is now very apparent that there is quite a difference on how the EFI Live Team keeps their customers updated with the status of all their products and issues and responds to each question on all the forums including their own EFI Live forum.

IMO, Mads/Smarty must now step up to match EFI Live's level of customer communication and service.

Bob and Marco & the Mads Team might be nice guys and all that, but EFI Live has raised the customer service bar.
While I am a Smarty owner and supporter, it is now very apparent that there is quite a difference on how the EFI Live Team keeps their customers updated with the status of all their products and issues and responds to each question on all the forums including their own EFI Live forum.

IMO, Mads/Smarty must now step up to match EFI Live's level of customer communication and service.

Bob and Marco & the Mads Team might be nice guys and all that, but EFI Live has raised the customer service bar.

X2 ^^^^^ Just tell us what's going on

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at one point, sooner better than later, we will probably hear from the man himself. I just hope its not too late.
big power = standalone. i am done

My issue is not with making power, I can do that all the way up to 3850rpm. The issue is smarty says I can go to 6000rpm..... but it stops fueling after 3850.
Welp I sure hope the smarty team gets their ****t together soon. After the EFI Live training class I attended this weekend it's getting harder and harder to vouche for them anymore and trust me I made an asshat out of myself several times doing so.