Whos making big power on a standalone??

Micah Sullivan/Scheid Diesel

do you have scheids money or resources.. prob not so u be like th eother 30 guys out there with standalones who cant get them to run right! GOODLUCK!

You asked a question and I answered it. I don't even have a common rail. Lighten up Francis.
I got another one in mind, but it's not done yet as far as I know. I know he will get it running right.
Correct me if I am incorrect here,
Wasn't Brandon's truck after the 12v a standalone CR that ran real well until he parted it out?
It was.

I think the point to be made here is.

Alot of us cant afford to buy a complete plug and play stand alone set up, or we do not have the time to wire and write a tune on a home built stand alone set up.

Im sure the guys that DD there trucks dont want to go to a stand alone just to get there truck to run well.
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Correct me if I am incorrect here,
Wasn't Brandon's truck after the 12v a standalone CR that ran real well until he parted it out?

Trucks still having problems to this day! It will make a glory pass now and then. I'm not taking anything away from it but its not reliable.
Well I guess UDC is never going to make it to the light at the end of the tunnel.
From a Post @ CF

Nothing out of the MADS crew.

From emails with Marco earlier this month it appeared they were working another UDC base software. The one the beta testers are using is different than the demo on the website, and he mentioned some more changes.

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Any updates on Udc Marco, bob, beta testers. We're not really getting any info. I've been waitin on Udc for my pulling truck since I heard about it in like January.
Any updates on Udc Marco, bob, beta testers. We're not really getting any info. I've been waitin on Udc for my pulling truck since I heard about it in like January.

Yeah a lot of us have been waiting along time. It just sucks that Bob said Marco was just had to finish some of the software and it would be ready for purchase. Well that was about a month and a half ago when Bob said that. I know Bob is just a messenger but if they know (Madds) that the software isn't going to be ready for release then just don't even bring anything up. Just pisses people off!
Sorry for the rant.

Sent from my SCH-I405 using Tapatalk 2
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The only thing I want to add here guy is this:

It's not like they are doing this just to piss you off.
Nobody wants it on the market faster than they do.
If they've run into issues of some kind, it's normal for
Companies to keep that stuff private until it's sorted out.

I'm sure it's frustrating but the negativity isn't going to help anyone.
Info from Italy and their rules about things may be totally different than here.

It can be assured that Marco is busting his German/Italian Arse to get this thing to you guys.

He's given us great products for years and has done it on the best time line he could.
Lets trust he's doing the same here .

Sorry for the rant. Just hate seeing them torn down like this.
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I haven't seen many reports from beta testers either, that can't help get the bugs worked out.
The only thing I want to add here guy is this:

It's not like they are doing this just to piss you off.
Nobody wants it on the market faster than they do.
If they've run into issues of some kind, it's normal for
Companies to keep that stuff private until it's sorted out.

I'm sure it's frustrating but the negativity isn't going to help anyone.
Info from Italy and their rules about things may be totally different than here.

It can be assured that Marco is busting his German/Italian Arse to get this thing to you guys.

He's given us great products for years and has done it on the best time line he could.
Lets trust he's doing the same here .

Sorry for the rant. Just hate seeing them torn down like this.

I'm not tryin to tear them down. He!! I'm runnin a SSR and I'm fairly happy with that but when someone says that everything is lookin great and that UDC would be released in the next week or so (how ever long ago that was) and then we don't hear anything for weeks and then nothing for a month or so..............
If its not ready for release then don't say anything till the person making the software if 100% sure its ready for release.
I know a lot of guys myself being one of them who really really needs and is looking foward to the release or tuning software like UDC because I have an early common rail.
Just keep us up to date and when there is a problem with creating the software don't just disappear and not let us know what's goin on! That's all I'm sayin.
End my rant!

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The one on their site is no longer a demo only version.

From their site "Jun. 11, 2012 - Software UDC available for download"

I didn't have enough time to look at the differences in the beta and the release, but the version numbers are different.
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Still need a dongle to work files, but at least the software will be ready.
It will, but you also need the UDC dongle in a USB port to get out of the demo mode.

You can see it in this photo from Swole.

Exciting future ahead.
