made the switch but sad having to wait like that with NO news/updates... something aint right???
hmmmm new files in the udc camp today..... seems to be an sw file. hmmmm not a very large file and I'm not sure what it is.
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When you install the UDC software it creates a shortcut to
Link to application settings.. If you follow this link there is a file very similar to the one that is updated on the site.. My guess is this is newer settings that the application needs..

As previously stated in other emails the UDC software needs a dongle to do anything worthwhile so I think this file does nothing until we can purchase a dongle..

That is my thoughts...
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I just downloaded it and all I got was a full screen shot of a middle finger
It sucks this is sitting how it is. With what little I know Marco I would guess he has put a gag order on it, and the full release version will be quite different than the beta version.

It's a great tool, and my truck is a very different truck considering the only thing I have changed is timing for my setup, the rest is the same.

There are hopefully good things to come!
I hope he has heard the need for fuel control down low, otherwise I'm stuck in the same rattle trap.
UDC ?? for others..
Not sure how many have tried to load software to just look around..

I did the other day to see if the DAT file loaded on Mads site did anythig different..
After loading the software I noticed if I tried to go to My Computer there was a very long delay before any drives would show up.. Couple of minutes..
Uninstalled the UDC software and My Computer is back to normal operation?

Just in case anyone else was havig this same issue.. Was only My Computer affected.. If I right click on Start and use Open Explorer all would work as expected..

No biggy.. Just wanted to help someone else if they are seeing a similar problem.
The software is looking for the dongle (which when plugged in acts like an additional internal drive) and it is not there so it searches a couple times. That is probably the reason for the delay.
I have a question that I haven't seen adressed in any Smarty forum....

Back in the day when the PoD was released, I remember being told that I had to send my Smarty S-06 to Bob, so that he could upgrade it to a Smarty S-06 PoD. The fee for this was $200.....I think. The reason we sent our smartys to him was because we were told that something internally had to be changed to support the PoD(I'd be more specific, but I'm not that computer savy). I thought ok, nothing is free, no big deal. However now, via a free download off of MADS site, all Smarty S-06's can be upgraded to the PoD. My question is...were we lied to back in the day about something internally needing to be changed, or have I missed someting? Does anyone else recall this?
I have a question that I haven't seen adressed in any Smarty forum....

Back in the day when the PoD was released, I remember being told that I had to send my Smarty S-06 to Bob, so that he could upgrade it to a Smarty S-06 PoD. The fee for this was $200.....I think. The reason we sent our smartys to him was because we were told that something internally had to be changed to support the PoD(I'd be more specific, but I'm not that computer savy). I thought ok, nothing is free, no big deal. However now, via a free download off of MADS site, all Smarty S-06's can be upgraded to the PoD. My question is...were we lied to back in the day about something internally needing to be changed, or have I missed someting? Does anyone else recall this?

Not sayin' but.... Most likely yes.
S06 can be updated to the S06-PoD version for free off of the MADS website.

Here is the link and you will need to follow the detailed instructions.

MADS Electronics - Smarty - CaTCHER - Download

When you do the upgrade it will install the PoD version of the Revo tune,if you want the TNT/R then you will have to do a second update.

I have done mine here at home,took about 30 minutes and was very easy.
S06 can be updated to the S06-PoD version for free off of the MADS website.

Here is the link and you will need to follow the detailed instructions.

MADS Electronics - Smarty - CaTCHER - Download

When you do the upgrade it will install the PoD version of the Revo tune,if you want the TNT/R then you will have to do a second update.

I have done mine here at home,took about 30 minutes and was very easy.

It can be updated for free now. However when the PoD was first released, everyone had to send their s-06's to bob so that he could "change something internally" to make it compatable. I believe I paid $200 for this service. I didn't complain at the time because nothing in life is free, however I am wondering if we were lied to about something "needing" to be changed internally.

Can someone else help me out on this? Like I mentioned earlier, I'm not very computer savy, and it has been quite a few years since the original PoD was released

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The part that needed to be changed was the memory. I would venture to say the Marco figured out how to make the PoD firmware smaller.