Even if:

A "Lie" and "Not telling someone something they have no business knowing" can be Two Very different things...

A company has every right to not share info like that... That doesn't make it a lie.


If the American People ask " Is Obamacare a Tax" and they say "No" but then call it a "Penalty" under the TAX portion of the power of the Courts.... Well then, THAT IS A LIE!!

Sorry, Had to get my political Jab in there...lol
Now I'm a little confused...

So is my SO4 circuitry, which I paid to have upgraded to TNT/R POD a few years ago now like a SO6 such that UDC will work on it? Or am I still SOL on having a SO4?
Can we get a word if UDC is even still in the works and a possibility? From everything I can find on it anymore (which is diddly) I'm assuming we're SOL
What would make you ever think that? Low blow...Marco tends to lead the industry...not follow it.
What would make you ever think that? Low blow...Marco tends to lead the industry...not follow it.

There's been a few coincidental features that the smarty ended up with right after EFILive came out with.... Not sayin'... but....

Food for thought...has Smarty ever left anyone SOL? Nope.

Don't get me wrong I'm team Smarty all the way but can't help but be a little annoyed with the "ya'll get ready this badasss stuff will be out tomorrow" and then complete silence for months. Bob and Marco have helped me out a jam by way of a smarty more than once, it'd just be nice to hear an accurate update every once in a while
I agree 100 percent. They're all very eager to throw is the bone before it came out with a date and time line. And now nothing..

I don't know maybe it's legal things like a gag order until everything is approved lol

Via RAZR & Tapatalk
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History has shown that this is how it goes. I understand the frustration, but not the surprise.

Look back on every release Smarty has done in the past. It is almost never released on time. but when it is everyone is happy with the out come.

the Hype and Marketing is all part of business. Can't blame a guy for wanting to make a buck. My SSR does everything I was told it would when I bought it. Bob and Marco don't owe me anything after the fact.

I am looking forward to the release of UDC, but I don't really want it if there are bugs to be worked out.

Making rude comments toward anyone isn't going to make the release any faster IMHO.
History has shown that this is how it goes. I understand the frustration, but not the surprise.

Look back on every release Smarty has done in the past. It is almost never released on time. but when it is everyone is happy with the out come.

the Hype and Marketing is all part of business. Can't blame a guy for wanting to make a buck. My SSR does everything I was told it would when I bought it. Bob and Marco don't owe me anything after the fact.

I am looking forward to the release of UDC, but I don't really want it if there are bugs to be worked out.

Making rude comments toward anyone isn't going to make the release any faster IMHO.

Not sure where the misconception is coming from or if you're even talking to me. Didn't say a rude word about anybody. I greatly appreciate everything the Smarty team has done and like my SSR....just had my hopes up and a couple dozen customers in my area really ready and excited for the release of UDC to use with their SSRs and S06s a couple months ago when we were originally told it would be finished.
Not sure where the misconception is coming from or if you're even talking to me. Didn't say a rude word about anybody. I greatly appreciate everything the Smarty team has done and like my SSR....just had my hopes up and a couple dozen customers in my area really ready and excited for the release of UDC to use with their SSRs and S06s a couple months ago when we were originally told it would be finished.

Nope, not pointed towards anyone. Just a general statement.
History has shown that this is how it goes. I understand the frustration, but not the surprise.

Look back on every release Smarty has done in the past. It is almost never released on time. but when it is everyone is happy with the out come.

the Hype and Marketing is all part of business. Can't blame a guy for wanting to make a buck. My SSR does everything I was told it would when I bought it. Bob and Marco don't owe me anything after the fact.

I am looking forward to the release of UDC, but I don't really want it if there are bugs to be worked out.

Making rude comments toward anyone isn't going to make the release any faster IMHO.

Pull your head out of your ass ..... SSR does not do everything we where told it would do.

Do i once again have to bring up the fact that it allows us to set the rpm limit as high as 6000rpm, but will defuel at 3850 and not rev past 4000!!!

If that is your idea of "everything we where told it would do" you probably have a heap of late night infomercial merchandise that also does everything you where told it would do........
Pull your head out of your ass ..... SSR does not do everything we where told it would do.

Do i once again have to bring up the fact that it allows us to set the rpm limit as high as 6000rpm, but will defuel at 3850 and not rev past 4000!!!

If that is your idea of "everything we where told it would do" you probably have a heap of late night infomercial merchandise that also does everything you where told it would do........

and I am the one with my head up my ass.:umno:
Pull your head out of your ass ..... SSR does not do everything we where told it would do.

Do i once again have to bring up the fact that it allows us to set the rpm limit as high as 6000rpm, but will defuel at 3850 and not rev past 4000!!!

If that is your idea of "everything we where told it would do" you probably have a heap of late night infomercial merchandise that also does everything you where told it would do........

The great Dockboy would follow that up with:

1. Miss matched parts
2. You don't need 6000rpm.
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