Talk about a pussee....almost 3 months and just now growing some juevos to come back on this thread to run your mouth some more :clap:

Only Pu$$ie is the one between your legs you little bi.tch Some of us have real lives and dont live on a forum with eating! Only other hobbie you have is fu.cking some farm animals
Only Pu$$ie is the one between your legs you little bi.tch Some of us have real lives and dont live on a forum with eating! Only other hobbie you have is fu.cking some farm animals

Never disappoints haha stupid posts that don't make sense

I'll try and make a trip up the mountain and bring some furry little friends off the farm I don't live on so you can get laid so maybe you'll quit compensating so much *bdh**bdh**bdh*
Never disappoints haha stupid posts that don't make sense

I'll try and make a trip up the mountain and bring some furry little friends off the farm I don't live on so you can get laid so maybe you'll quit compensating so much *bdh**bdh**bdh*

Careful, he may break his input shaft off in a sheep.
wouldn't that be his output shaft? so sick of watching this for info, need a dead dinosaur smiley to beat.
Never disappoints haha stupid posts that don't make sense

I'll try and make a trip up the mountain and bring some furry little friends off the farm I don't live on so you can get laid so maybe you'll quit compensating so much *bdh**bdh**bdh*

You need need a little animation on how you like to wack your horse with a pole!

Why did you come back? mom and dad kick your pos out of the trailer park?

trailer parks in colorado? Don't know of such a thing! Jason the super tunner bif :welcome: to 2012 your truck still sucks..

Jason you should just stick to this :cheer: