upgraded ecm for the vp's!

VW MIKEL. Dawna from AUTO WORLD, she is the head Honcho of the wiring department there, told me if a DODGE dealer flashes the ECM it will have to have the vin # match the PCMs to work right. If you flash It using J2534 you want need to match the vin # of the PCM.
The other thing the Cummins Engineer said was, jee I don't know if the VP44 is going to like that much. So If someone is able to increase the defuel point in the ECM what about the fuel pumps ECM, that will probable need changing to. I thought I read somewere that CHIP made a statement like that.
VW MIKEL. Dawna from AUTO WORLD, she is the head Honcho of the wiring department there, told me if a DODGE dealer flashes the ECM it will have to have the vin # match the PCMs to work right. If you flash It using J2534 you want need to match the vin # of the PCM.

I wonder if Marco's Smarty would help VWMike find a back door.

Thanks, rotory26, for helping us bloody Yanks, your blood is definitely worth bottling.:st:
Thanks for the kind words THROTTLEJOCKEY. Like you guys, I hate to be beaten by something I dont under stand how It all functions. Wish I was a smart guy like VWMIKEL with all eproms and stuff. I only got involved with this stuff because the old 6.5 Chev diesel just diden't do it for me. Ran hot, no grunt, poo!!!. We cant be trusted in AUSTRALIA to have a good tow vehicle like Dodge Cummins, they just dont bring them in. So like some other guys have said, BUILT not BOUGHT, so I did, build it with the help of a lot of your country men. So trying to help you guys is no big deal. Thanks.
This may have been already mentioned, but..........

So if I am understanding this right, the codes that the Cummins Engineers set up in the ECM that the Dodge Engineers requested is the limiting factor on the RPm and Defuel set points? Or are they set up by the Cummins Engineers only for thier own specs?

If its the Dodge codes that are the limiting factor, then why not do more of a stand alone type ecm setup like they are doing with the CR trucks now, but use a hacked ECM from lets say a Freightliner FL70 or some other Vp44 24V powered vehicle. I know the factory guages in the dodge trucks may not work, but in an all out race truck, or someone that wouldn't mind changing to a custom dash with all autometers, the gauges would be the least of thier worry's.

Either that or try to hack into a different ECM other than the Dodge piece just to look at the codes and try to compare if possible just to see what all could and needs to be changed in the Dodge ECM.
Kino i follow you and have wondered the same a stand alone controller could be the ticket. It seems like companies out there have deemed the VP obselete and something to not worry about anymore when infact there are a ton of guys still drving and buying vp powered trucks. Smarty, Nira, Efi live one of these companies can do it and in my op. would make a ton of money if they did and it worked.
Yup I agree. Its difficult to make the low end power the vp makes which makes it a favorable set-up
Kino i follow you and have wondered the same a stand alone controller could be the ticket. It seems like companies out there have deemed the VP obselete and something to not worry about anymore when infact there are a ton of guys still drving and buying vp powered trucks. Smarty, Nira, Efi live one of these companies can do it and in my op. would make a ton of money if they did and it worked.

I would be interested ... :rockwoot: as would many others..
I'm still working on this. It's just slow going. A new CAN interface should be here this week so we'll see what develops.
Sweet, keep it up! Maybe by the time I can afford valvetrain parts this wil be ready for purchase! Keep up the good work!