Announcing Our New Twin Turbo Kit.

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Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope things are good for you all. Brady

Brady, I can see your house full of those grand kids right now, sure miss you guys......Lake Powell was good times and a highlight in my life and I'll always remember it.

i seen the truck at gillett diesel with edges tuning....damn they are rebuilding the motor long were the twins on? maybe a month? not a very good track record to get the ball rolling....oh ya it was an LMM with roughly 8,000 miles on it....i think Nathans got that or a little more and running low
12's no problems, ive had mine a month, will race anybody who dares and already pulling the **** out of it and no hicupps....just trying to keep this thread going.....
st want to say im very jealous lmmdmax , i want some mpi twins so bad. Everyone I know with a dmax say go with mpi twins and some already own a set. I personally have not heard anything bad on them and was told they were the best for my position pulling a 15,000pd 5ver and to keep egts down and when not hooked up still have some fun putting power to ground. But there will always be competition in any situation. But just wanted to put my 2 cents in, and just putting it out there that i would put my truck up for mpi testing he he he!!!! jeremy happy holidays to all motorheads!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I knew someone would come out with a dmax kit eventually and no I'm not butt hurt, as you say, about it. I do get tired of people copying others ideas. If you can't think up things for yourself maybe give people their do and become a dealer for them instead of steal their ideas.

Dmaxvaz......I wasn't giving you grief. I was trying to imply that I wasn't worried about you coming out with a kit and that is why I said go for it. I like to see people come up with unique ideas. It keeps the diesel performance world going.


I've talked to a couple people about patenting the kit. I'll leave it at that.

I also could care less about a bag of parts because I also knew Chris posted how to modify them on a public forum. He did so because he knew it was a rip off for people to pay what they were paying to get so little in return. Chris is a good guy and is very smart. He has introduced many unique ideas of his own.

Buck from Edge did the tuning on the truck from Gillett. It blew up. I'm not saying it was his tuning that did it as I've heard the owner is hard on stuff. I don't need tuning from Edge because IdahoRob and I track tuned my truck all summer. My tuning is proven and my truck has over 50 1/4 mile time slips. EPA approved does no good when you remove the EGR system and DPF. Building a smokeless low emissions tune isn't hard with a Duramax.

BTW I know the you were the first to come out with a 71mm and 74mm turbine wheel for the S300. I never said you didn't I said you were last to start using the S300's. Ken Diaz from Turbo Auto Diesel was one of the first. Since your informing the public are you going to tell them who helped you with the S300's?

I also know you were supplying ATS with K31's. The point is now your competing with their proven product.

I also know John had problems with his original pumps. I had one. That doesn't mean you didn't learn from his ideas and use them for your benefit.

I was pretty sure you didn't have one of my kits because I keep pretty good track of the customers I sell them to and help them in anyway I can, including reselling their kit if they change trucks. You still tried to buy all my plumbing from Brent at Powerlabs. He called me and asked if I was willing to sell plumbing only to you for all of my kits. I obviously said no.

A HotRod vp44 still hasn't proven to make anymore power than a SO pump.

Matt at Gillett called me and told me your guys were at the shop when the truck with my twins was there. He's never lied to me before and I don't think he would start now.

You create enemies when you misinform the public and don't own up to it. The last time I called you out was over twins and you were wrong. Why do you think I know you were wrong? Because I've proven it before with actual testing. Remember Jason Burton and I built our first twins together in '02. He marketed the kit through PDR. I helped him streamline the kit and make it universal between the 12v's and 24v's. I also figured out the 35/40 and HT3B kit he sold through PDR because it was built on my truck.


You do awesome work my friend and surprise me all the time. I've considered supercharging for quite some time but never really found a need. The higher the hp level the more it seems like a feasable option (although I'm working a different avenue for now).
Can anyone bring anything to market these days without someone else saying they copied it ?

Look at Cummins twin set-ups....they almost ALL look the same....there's only so many places you can stick a 2nd turbo for a marketable kit....that means the piping is gonna be pretty close too.
Get over it....cause I'm sick of the *****ing.

I gotta agree. Theres only so many ways to fit stuff in the space given. And everybody knows that if someone comes out with a good solution to solve a problem its going to be implemented in other companies' kits. Thats how the business world works...and if they didnt, theyd soon be behind the ball to other companies.

Im not taking sides. I wouldnt hesitate to buy anything from Nathan OR Industrial...
The only Twin Kit that I have seen at Gillett's place is the Twin Display that is in his waiting area. You should know! The one that is made from Chinese turbos and is fitted with silicone cold pipe and intake. That is not your kit I do know that. The truth is, me and my sons don't get off the phone until 6:00pm or later. We should get over to Gillett's more offen as we have been good with each other. But we do not have time. I do have 30 employees and no I can't keep up with them all. No one has came to me and said that he looked at your twins. They have not even mentioned that Gillett had put on a set of twins.

John learned more from us than we learned from him. Cody had already been to Bosch CP3 school. We had already been doing our own mod. pumps when he went. (You can't buy the tools and teststand package until you have been to school). The instructor revealed to Cody at that school some very good ways to make bigger flowing CP3 pumps.

Maybe you should consider that some of what your friends have told you is BS. Their views will always be slanted to help their professional image. As long as you receive only your friends side then you will never get the real story or information.
I almost didn't tell you. Edge products have been doing custom programming with our twin kit. They can sell you their products with these tunes. Some of these tunes are EPA compl. while others would be for big hp for racing/sled pulling. Thanks

Is the HP rating listed with tuning from edge, other tuning, or an estimate?
IdahoRob, You probably already know that we have used other tunning as well as Edge's tunning. The guys over at Edge have been our friends and they do custom tunning. We know many people that do tunning on Dmax. It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish.
If our customers want more hp then we can do that as well. We can upgrade the large turbo and we have already been upgrading the VGT turbos. We can match up a very big Twin set if someone needs that much hp.
IdahoRob, You probably already know that we have used other tunning as well as Edge's tunning. The guys over at Edge have been our friends and they do custom tunning. We know many people that do tunning on Dmax. It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish.

I heard that there was one of edge tuners working on the MPI twin LMM in Utah, but I didn't know what tuning you've used except that you posted you are using edge.

Thats why I was curious about the tuning you offer and the HP ratings posted, if they are estimated or could I buy your kit and special edge tuning and see similar results. Is edge selling LMM DPF delete tuning?

I have a company that sells diesel performance products so I'm truely interested.
I have no problem with competition in the market place. It is good for business. But to say you developed everything in your twin kit from scratch is just plain El Toro PooPoo. Hell it's done all the time, you are trying to save face in your posts by saying other people have copied your products as well. Hell, I'm sure you are probably right. However, I do note that you seem to have a problem keeping associates in the business as you state in your posts be it your ex-friend John or your, not-as-good-a-friend-as-he-use-to-be Clint. Why is that?

As is the case with any product, you get what you pay for. Good luck with your compound turbo set up and hope to see a set in action.
Its no use, a company comes out with a new product for THIER company and everyone gets on and bashes. Looks like everyone has to get on and say that they thought of something first or someone has been doing that way before this guy, we cant just let companys build whatever so we can run it and just effin race, u guys are pathetic im tired of everyone crying about who built what and always jumping in everyones buisness, customers need to learn and hear about new products from whatever company and dont need to hear about private issues.
Its no use, a company comes out with a new product for THIER company and everyone gets on and bashes. Looks like everyone has to get on and say that they thought of something first or someone has been doing that way before this guy, we cant just let companys build whatever so we can run it and just effin race, u guys are pathetic im tired of everyone crying about who built what and always jumping in everyones buisness, customers need to learn and hear about new products from whatever company and dont need to hear about private issues.

I don’t understand all of what you wrote. If your saying customers need to be patient for the new copied products to come out…

I would have to say no thanks, not interested in any knock offs. For that matter no thanks to advice from anyone that thinks others comments are pathetic for that matter. :umno:
John learned more from us than we learned from him. Cody had already been to Bosch CP3 school. We had already been doing our own mod. pumps when he went. (You can't buy the tools and teststand package until you have been to school). The instructor revealed to Cody at that school some very good ways to make bigger flowing CP3 pumps.

Not hardly Brady!! I had shared some ideas with you, like the dual line feed and maybe triple. I remember talking with cody and him telling me that i had some pretty kick-ass ideas! I remember back then you did have some ideas but nothing being close as to being done! As to all that metal, thats impossible for it to have been that much because we were not machining that much, it was EDM!! I remember cody telling me that he had a bunch of core pumps to test to see if they were any good and i'll bet that the majority of that metal was mostlly from those worn out pumps.Theres alot more i could say that happened behind my back that i'll leave alone for now.

Sorry to hijack,, but John how are you feeling? We all were worried about you,, even those of us who have never met you!

Merry Christmas

Ok, i had to go back in for controlling an infection but so far things are starting to look good. Thank god! i'm ready to get back to the shop!!

John, I saw it with my own eyes. Your now telling me that you have never drilled out CP3 parts? Why don't we get Scott your ex employee on here and see what he thinks. Nope, those CP3 pumps were gone through and tested and then sent to you. We did not test or check the first two batches as we trusted you. Do you want me to tell everyone on here what our findings were when we got them all back? Dual feed line was your idea? Hardley! Truth is, we bailed you out of a very bad mess that you created. Do you want me to send you all the invoices and work orders for all those failed pumps? I can go on for hours on this subject.
I am glad that you are doing better, John. I heard you were having trouble. Sorry to hear that you have been down. I heard that you had some kind of disease or bug. I hope that all goes well for you... Brady
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