Fuel Economy cam updates

I just cut one coil off on my old truck. I dearched the rear springs. That was a mistake I should have just pulled a couple leaves.

I like the stance. How does it ride?

Today I am putting on a new air dam, getting the 3.07 rear end out of a 1989 auto truck, lined up to install, and getting the air bags ready, so that i can drop it for daily driving and then get a few inches higher when I want to tow my gooseneck.

My wife and I are going to he parents house In Illinois. I have half a mind to drive up there with the stock cam, change it over Christmas, and drive back with the 178-208.

Stay tuned.
Pictures to come in the next day or so.

Also, finally ordered the test pieces for the Nv4500 a few days ago!
I plan on logging data from the stock cam next week on our way to the in-laws down south with the trailer. Hopefully the week or two after Thanksgiving I'll get the 178 in.
I plan on logging data from the stock cam next week on our way to the in-laws down south with the trailer. Hopefully the week or two after Thanksgiving I'll get the 178 in.


keep us updated.

On the before and after Dyno runs, people always seem to call B.S. on. Would anybody be interested in coming to watch us install the 178-208 in my truck? We could make it a chill day and take as many as show up to lunch. I just get sick and tired of B.S. being called on every cam swap we do.

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I am looking for a place to hang out for a few days and do an install on a cam, if any of you know a place. I will probably do the Dynos here in Texas unless any of you know of a Dyno there in IL.

I like the stance. How does it ride?


it was a little firm but not bad. the rear would have been better with the leaves removed and a "c" notch on the frame for more travel. i have another truck just like that one we will be doing that to. i have a 3.08 rear to go in my new one.
Zach you know you can use my shop. Cummins has a load cell dyno in Bloomington. They don't usually do high performance truck cause of the liability of grenading. Lol but in this case they wil do it. It will bring a truck to it's knees.
Thanks for the offer. I will let you know for sure before hand.

Sorry I didn't get back to your text earlier, I was knee deep in a dash and heater core job on my fuel economy truck.

You asking for witnesses for when you do the swap at your shop?
Sorry, i got confused with the driving up north swapping and all.
Zach, I just wished you lived closer to me so you could teach me how to do mine and bring those fancy OBGyN tools. :D
Nice Jory.

Red sleeper, people always call B.S. on our Dyno tests, so I was hoping that some of you could come out and verify that there was no B.S. or playing with the numbers.

Wondering about this cam, the way this cam is cut, is the performance designed to be close or better or worse then a stock cam? Spooling is going to be better or worse then a stock cam?
Hell yea man, only thing is I can only get away on weekends (school and work) so that would put me out unless you swap and run on the weekends. If so I might have someone else who would be interested in attending.
I'd love to learn.
So far I've gotten a 3mpg increase, im sure I can get more if I can keep my foot out of it
3 mpg....I may have to send Zach as bonus if I see 3 mpg. :hehe: I burn $700+ a month in diesel commuting to work. :(
Wondering about this cam, the way this cam is cut, is the performance designed to be close or better or worse then a stock cam? Spooling is going to be better or worse then a stock cam?

It is designed to have better performance than the stock cam with an emphasis on fuel economy. We could have made it spool quite a bit earlier, but we chose not to open the exhaust earlier like other performance cams.

We have been working on fine tuning all of our performance grinds for the last few years. After we found out what worked and what didn't, we put all of our research information into this cam. Combine all of our research with an amazing designer and you get the 178-208. Of all of the things I have done in the last few years, I am most proud of this cam due to it's potential for better fuel economy. I hate foreign oil dependance. this is just a little jab to the sheiks.

It's full potential won't be recognized until our high compression pistons and our higher ratio 5th gear is out.

If you are installing this on a 12 valve, run 1 tank with timing where it is, one with - 2 degree and one with 2 degrees advanced from the start point. Do this and you will your fuel economy.
