Smarty S03

Talks of eldorado... That's it. The vp is long forgotten. They have bigger fish to fry.
Hey brian, do u think we will ever see an adjustable switch (5 position like efi live) for the smarty. One of these would be great especially for my common rail. Don't get me wrong the pod is nice but having options on the fly with a switch would be way better just saying. But I'M DEFINITELY LOOKING FORWARD TO NEW VP 44 SOFTWARE Thanks
Anxiously awaiting. I WILL be purchasing whatever it is you guys come out with. Hell, I'd even do some beta testing for you guys! Haha
Man.. I'm not trying to be a dick but... All we hear is this is the cats meow, bees knees, etc but we hear no technical data. Nothing at all?
Would we have to buy a new Smarty or will this be downloaded software? Whats this new product going to be like?
I will be happy to report all the details in time when I have something solid to release. Development takes time, then there is testing. We are all anxious for this to happen. It is great that Marco desires to improve upon the VP trucks and has not forgotten them. In fact he mentioned that his 99 was his favorite.

Yes guys, we have to wait a bit, can't give a time line yet, but at least we know it is upcoming. That is the good news.