so if your top billing hamilton then why not play? the feild will be level you will have a way to prove what you say is true. And we who are buying the stuff will have a better know how on what type of cam they want and how to select the right cam. And NONE OF U put out any type of duration specs, lobe sep specs, lobe lift and lobe centers info along with valve lift.. so that leads to the fact all i see when i shop for a cam is the school yard "my cam is better then your cam". im sure you guys can all agree there is no magic bullet for all trucks out there, it is impossable for you guys to custom ground each and every cam to fit every person that orders one, needs. I see that, so u all try to find a middle that will best suit a certin style of truck that most ppl in the market have and will appel and work best for the masses, I get that also. You all have something to gain in this i dont see anything you guys can lose, you will get a double blind test and more advertising and will only cost you the gear you enter. i know its about 5 grand or so for a one page add in diesel mag for a month so if we can get a them to pic the story up which i dont see why not thats 5 grand per page of free mag space you all get, pretty nice cherry on top of the cake. Last thing i know all of you are prob pretty tired like Zach is of the days of our lifes stuff and hell i am and im not a mfg of cams, so why not sit behind your keyboard and lets figure out the best way to help you boys meet in the middle, after all were not trying to get Israel and Iran to go to the prom together. Lay the egos aside you have all done alot for our sport more then i ever will, this is not going to be a grudge fest style thing its what you mfg make of it.